John Paolucci

John Paolucci is a retired Detective Sergeant from NYPD who worked his last eight years in the Forensic Investigations Division, four of them as a Crime Scene Unit supervisor. He was the first ever to command the OCME Liaison Unit where he managed all DNA evidence in NYC and trained thousands of state, local and federal investigators in DNA evidence collection and documentation. He developed a strong alliance between the Office of Chief Medical Examiner (OCME) Forensic Biology Department and NYPD. John also worked as a Narcotics Undercover and Patrol Officer in the Housing Projects of the South Bronx. He is currently the president of Forensics 4 Real Inc., where he provides forensic support to international and domestic investigations and expert analysis of crime scenes, specializing in Bloodstain Pattern Analysis and shooting incident reconstruction. He trains students and law enforcement in forensic evidence and crime scene investigations at various venues including the Henry Lee Institute and has presented nationally and internationally including IABPA in Rome Italy and the Central American Division of IAI in Panama City, Panama. John has appeared on real crime shows on both the ID Channel and A& E Network as well as numerous radio and print venues.