
What training is required to process crime scenes? Since there is no universal standard opinion on this ICSIA will set the standards. The training is theoretical and technical. However there are certain requirements to basically process a crime scene. The other part of the equation to successful crime scene processing besides knowledge is ability. So we will attempt here to define what is minimally required in training, ability and equipment.

The training must include the following categories; Crime Scene Management, Crime Scene Photography, Latent Evidence, Impression evidence, Biological Evidence, Trace Evidence, Crime Scene Sketching, Report Writing, Crime Scene Investigation. Training courses are designed for these specific areas as well as many books are written to inform and teach these very topics

Here is a list of a few books that we recommend. While this list is by no means all inclusive it is a basic list of books that supply sufficient information that will give you the basics in crime scene processing. No one book stands alone. We have not seen at this point any book that is all inclusive for crime scene processing.

We have developed a Check List for training. If this list is followed we believe the person will have basic knowledge in crime scene processing and demonstrate their ability. It is a good training tool.

We have also developed a protocol for processing of crime scenes. It is a basic but thorough protocol and if followed will produce the best results. An additional protocol for the processing of vehicles has been added as vehicle are very unique to process.

We have designed a Certification program for the people that are responsible for the processing and documenting the crime scenes. See those certification requirements on the left panel.

Crime scene processing is an art. Some people are very good artists because they have received extensive training, some have received a minimum of training while other outstanding artists are self trained. Hopefully we have developed a training and certification program that can meet the needs and requirements of all police agencies.